A lot of the time the sky is covered with clouds. Or smog. I'm not sure which, they all look about the same. But lately the skies have been at least somewhat blue, and today there wasn't very many clouds and it was warm, so it felt like Phoenix when the weather is really nice.
The weather changes very
frequently here. Our first week here it was totally rainy, then it was just plain hot and humid, then rainy again, then cool and sunny, just plain cold, and now sunny and warm. And this is over only eight weeks. Since the weather is so crazy, I've gotten used always having an umbrella with me. Weird, being from Phoenix and all.

I was sitting out in the apartments' garden today on the grass with my blanket, and, seeing as I had my camera with me, I figured that I'd take some pictures of the sky and the trees. Notice that some of the leaves have turned red. Isn't that great?
The pictures are all from around Suzhou. Some were taken today, and others were taken two weeks ago when we were taking a Sunday walk.