Friday, September 19, 2008


We have to buy these Apple laptops from the school because they're starting some new program (but we have to wait until the end of the semester to actually get them) but anyway I'm excited because I love Garage Band. It's fun. Not that I'm any good at actually putting good songs together. I have to figure that one out...

Anyway that's what I'm thinking about right now. But mostly what I want the laptops for is so everyone can use the computer and we don't have to wait for someone else to get off when we need to do homework.


ferskner said...

Laptops are way better. I love having one, even if I can't get my wireless card to work right now so I have to use an ethernet cable. Lame!!!!

Emma said...

Yeah I agree that almost competely defeats the purpose of having a laptop.

ferskner said...

Yeah, but I can still lay on the ground, sit in a chair, move other places that aren't in my room. It works okay so far.

otto said...

Bip Blop Blorp Hrunk.