Here is where the garden is going. Normally the table is closer to the end near the planters, but we moved it towards the middle temporarily. (Our laundry has to hang on this balcony to dry, and we don't really want the table to be right under the balcony.) So basically what I'm saying is the stuff on the balcony will be rearranged a bit at some point soon. The planter on the right has slightly different soil than the other one, because I had two different kinds of soil and I mixed them together in that one, rather than keeping them separate but having two bags of soil which were each only about a third full.
This picture shows which seeds I'm planting, and where they are going. I have some tomatoes, chives, and flowers, but I'm not planting them yet.
Aw man that is wicked cool Emma. I've always wished that I can grow my own plants/food. :D You're one lucky ducky!
farmer Emma---nothing like a home grown salad from your own balcony garden--- cood luck---you little country girl--- love g-pa
that was supposed to be good luck! garden girl---cood luck! may be needed too--- love g-pa
I understood what you meant. Thanks!
" union belle" now that i know you are not a "southern belle" i am not going to send you any cotton seeds for your window garden---- love g pa
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