Thursday, August 28, 2008

So, China...


I decided to get a blog because I really don't want to have to keep emailing everyone over and over and over again. (I'll still email, it's just that then I wouldn't have to as much.)

Okay so here's the email I sent out to pretty much everyone whose email I knew. (And if you already got the email and are thinking "Emma!!! I don't want to read it for the third/fourth/fifth time already!" then just skip it and wait until I add a new post, because I'm too lazy to come up with something new right now.)

"There's only three bedrooms in our apartment, so I have to share a room with Allyne and it's not fair that John gets his own room just because he's the only boy! Plus the kitchen's tiny, with only four feet of counter space, even though there's a whole empty wall that you could put a counter on! It's not like it gives you any more floor space because there's cabinets on that wall that are too low to stand under, anyway. But I do get an enclosed balcony for my garden. We're going to have a cozy chair in there, plus a wide fish bowl with goldfish (because every Chinese garden needs a fish pond) and, of course, plants. In addition to plants on the floor, we're going to put hanging plants on the rods that you're supposed to hang your wet clothes on to dry, after carrying them across the apartment from the other balcony where the (tiny) washing machine is. The Chinese are so good at making everything way more inconvenient than it needs to be. After we've been here longer and settled in more we'll get everything set up more how we want it.

"The plane ride was pretty uneventful. It was... a plane ride. The food was okay. The pseudo-Chinese food was better, but then we had this lasagna stuff that tasted weird. The best meal was when they gave us Ramen noodles, but, hey, there's not much you can mess up with Ramen, is there? Then they showed weird movies that I had no intention of watching like "Kung Fu Panda," "Made of Honor," and "Nim's Island." What I really wanted was to get some sleep, but you know how hard that is on an airplane.

"Our school is pretty big (I was hoping the library was big, too, but it's tiny) and the school lunches are pretty good (WAY better than Connolly's. Way better.) I'm kind of excited about the uniforms because they're real uniforms (I'm tired of wearing polos) and we get to/have to wear ties. I hope we get real ties, not zip- or clip-on ties, because they're more fun that way. I don't know how to tie one yet, but that's what dads are for."

So, if you have any more questions post them in a comment and I'll try to answer them in my next post.

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