Saturday, August 30, 2008


We got our uniforms the other day. They're actually pretty nice. I have to wear dark navy pants or a navy-plaid pleated skirt (which I think is cute but other girls think is hideous) with a "chambray" (some sort of light blue) dress shirt and a little navy-plaid tie (I like the tie, except it's a zip tie and I'm not sure what I could do about getting a real tie.) The P.E. uniforms are a red and navy t-shirt and shorts and a red and navy track suit. (I think it's uncomforable, but I'll probably like it during the winter.) They also gave us this hideous floppy sun hat, which I think would be cute on a kindergartener,but once you hit about fourth grade, and especially when you're a teenager, it's just horrifying. (Except for John. He says it's like a Special Ops hat just because it's sort of the same style. I think he's crazy.)


Do You Think I Am An Automaton said...


I am not mad at you, contrary to what your tagline suggests. Sounds like you are having fun!


Unknown said...

So do you wear the same uniform every day? I mean, can you switch and swap? I wear what could be called a uniform every day (dress slacks and dress shirt) but I take great pleasure in picking out just the right tie to match that day's work activities as well as my mood. And just to clarify a potential misconception: when I wear a textured black tie with a black dress shirt, I am not being angry or morose. I'm being very with-it.

Unknown said...

By the way, chambray is a durable well-regarded cloth that's made by weaving white threads across blue threads. That's what gives it such nice luminosity. Chambray has been used for men't shirts (casual as well as dress) for over a hundred years. I really like it. In fact, I'd have chambray sheets on the bed if I could find them at a decent price. And chambray pajamas and chambray dinner napkins and chambray underwear.

Unknown said...

Do they make a chambray toothbrush?

ferskner said...

Looks like Grandpa Rod LOVES chambray!

Emma said...


Emma said...

Well in the uniform package they gave us four shirts (two short-sleeve and two long-sleeve,) two pairs of pants (summer and winter) and a couple of skirts (knee length). They also gave us some navy knee-length socks, which I'll probably wear with the skirt once I have good shoes for them. I like wearing the skirts the best, partly because they have big pockets, which are REALLY hard to find on girls' clothes. What kind of scares me, though, is how there's some girls who think that the skirts are too long (I personally think that they're a bit too short) and they got them tailored so they're about eight inches shorter, then they wear them with the socks and it looks really weird.