Sunday, December 07, 2008

Tree Party

We just had our tree party today! We found a good tree (1.8m, about 5 feet) for $12 at one of the western stores, and we also got some good ornaments and lights. We still aren't sure whether the box of our favorite Christmas ornaments that we planned on shipping actually ended up in the shipment and is lost somewhere, or in the rush to get here it got packed in storage. We're hoping for the latter. It's the same with some of the ceramics that Allyne made in school and are completely irreplaceable.

We had some crackers and French cheeses, plus ginger ale, tortilla chips (with salsa and guacamole), potato chips, and various other treats. But we didn't have any smoked oysters...

Dad took a lot of pictures so expect them on his blog sometime soon.

Before we got here we put our favorite Christmas albums on Dad's computer, so we played them using a speaker that he bought. It actually has really good sound quality, considering that it's so tiny. Now Allyne's playing some of her favorite songs on it.


Anonymous said...

Sorry to be so slow reading and responding. Really enjoyed the explanation of the school routine, details on Christmas, etc. Keep writing. G'ma

otto said...

Tr1 Tr2 TrX. Reload.

Unknown said...

Did you have the famous cheddar cheese-tomato-vinegar Christmas dip? It goes back at least as far as your great great grandpa English.