Thursday, September 04, 2008

To School!

We finally started school on Monday. It feels kind of weird to be going to school, after getting used to three whole months without school. The school is pretty nice. I think that it isn't quite as good as normal high schools on the classes it offers, but the other students are a ton nicer. I mean, they seem to reach out to other students more, or at least accept them. I've already started making some friends (the Asians are really nice.) I can't figure out if I can be in grade eleven math, though...

It's really confuzing since we don't have all of the same classes every day. Like, we have two periods of English three days a week. It's really weird. I like Chinese class, though. It's my favorite.

By the way please comment! pleasepleaseplease!!!


Do You Think I Am An Automaton said...

I am so excited for you guys! I am glad you are making friends out there! Do you walk to school?

Dna said...

Yo! I love the whole weird school schedule your school has! It makes things so interesting. I got to do it for a summer in Japan once. It was FUN!

otto said...

Bleep Blop Glorck!

ferskner said...

I remember how strange it was to go to school in Denmark and find out that I didn't have the same classes every day. I told my host mom this and she said "That would be so boring!" It'll get you ready for college, too.


Emma said...

No, we don't walk to school because we live in the middle of the city and the school is on the edge of the city. Right now we take the school bus (the teacher one, of course) but maybe we'll bike to school once we get bikes for everyone.

Anonymous said...

Emma, Grandpa and I read your blogs and enjoyed them greatly. Did you get the bed swap accomplished? Our house is all torn up. The living room, hall and our bedroom are stripped down to the concrete. We are sleeping in the big bedroom with the queen bed. Grandpa is supposed to paint this week and new carpet is coming on Thursday. I can't wait! We miss you and think of you all the time. Much love, Grandma

Emma said...

I can't imagine your house without carpet...